Gurugram to Udaipur Bus TimeTable & Route

Here you can find all the current and upcoming information related to the bus timetable from Delhi to Udaipur and back. This includes departure and arrival times, key stops, and return journey details. Whether you need to know about the bus schedule, specific stops along the route, or return timings, you’ll find all the essential information here to help you plan your trip effectively.


The Haryana State Transport runs a Superfast Express bus from Delhi to Udaipur. This bus service stops at key cities like Jaipur, Ajmer, and Bhilwara. Knowing the bus schedule will help you plan your trip better.

Bus Route Overview

The Superfast Express bus service from Gurugram to Udaipur includes the following key stops:

  • Gurugram
  • Delhi
  • Jaipur
  • Ajmer
  • Bhilwara
  • Chittorgarh
  • Udaipur

Gurugram to Udaipur Departure and Arrival Times

Here is the detailed timetable for the bus service from Delhi to Udaipur and back. The timetable includes both the departure times from each stop and the arrival time at the final destination.

StopDeparture TimeArrival Time
Gurugram2:30 PM
Delhi4:40 PM
Jaipur10:50 PM
Udaipur8:30 AM

Return Journey

StopDeparture TimeArrival Time
Udaipur5:25 AM
Ajmer11:40 AM
Jaipur3:00 PM

Key Stops and Their Importance

  • Gurugram: The journey starts from Gurugram, a major city in Haryana.
  • Delhi: The capital city of India, an important stop for passengers.
  • Jaipur: Known as the Pink City, famous for its palaces and forts.
  • Ajmer: Famous for the Ajmer Sharif Dargah.
  • Bhilwara: Known for its textile industry.
  • Chittorgarh: Famous for the Chittorgarh Fort.
  • Udaipur: The final destination, known as the City of Lakes.

Return Journey

The return journey from Udaipur to Delhi follows a similar route. The bus departs from Udaipur early in the morning and stops at key locations before reaching Gurugram. Here are the details:

  • Udaipur: Departure at 5:25 AM
  • Ajmer: Departure at 11:40 AM
  • Jaipur: Departure at 3:00 PM
  • Delhi: Arrival time not specified
  • Gurugram: Arrival time not specified

Tips for Travelers

Refreshments: Carry snacks and water for the journey.

Safety: Keep your valuables close and be mindful of your belongings.

Booking Tickets: Book your tickets in advance to ensure a seat.

Arrival at Stops: Arrive at the bus stop at least 15 minutes before departure.

Luggage: Keep your luggage secure and tagged.

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