Below is a list of bus timings for journeys from ISBT 43 Chandigarh to Jammu Bus Time Table . The time table includes departure times along with the routes and stops covered by the buses. This information is helpful for travelers planning their trips from Chandigarh to places like Jammu and Katra.
ISBT 43 Chandigarh to Jammu Bus Time Table
ISBT 43 Chandigarh to Jammu Bus Timings: JKSRTC
Departure Time | Bus Route and Via |
07:20 | Chandigarh to Jammu |
Roopnagar, Hoshiarpur, Pathankot | |
16:20 | Chandigarh to Jammu |
Roopnagar, Hoshiarpur, Pathankot | |
22:00 | Chandigarh to Jammu |
Roopnagar, Hoshiarpur, Pathankot |
Also Read : Chandigarh Bus Stand Time Table 2024 – CTU Buses
JKSRTC Bus Timings:
- Departure Time: 07:20
- Route: Chandigarh to Jammu
- Via: Roopnagar, Hoshiarpur, Pathankot
- Departure Time: 16:20
- Route: Chandigarh to Jammu
- Via: Roopnagar, Hoshiarpur, Pathankot
- Departure Time: 22:00
- Route: Chandigarh to Jammu
- Via: Roopnagar, Hoshiarpur, Pathankot
ISBT 43 Chandigarh to Jammu Bus Timings: CTU Ordinary
Departure Time | Bus Route and Via |
15:40 | Chandigarh to Katra |
Pathankot |
CTU Ordinary Bus Timings:
- Departure Time: 15:40
- Route: Chandigarh to Katra
- Via: Pathankot
ISBT 43 Chandigarh to Jammu Bus Timings : CTU AC
Departure Time | Bus Route and Via |
08:50 | Chandigarh to Katra |
Pathankot | |
12:50 | Chandigarh to Katra |
Pathankot | |
13:25 | Chandigarh to Katra |
Pathankot | |
14:30 | Chandigarh to Katra |
Pathankot |
CTU AC Bus Timings:
- Departure Time: 08:50
- Route: Chandigarh to Katra
- Via: Pathankot
- Departure Time: 12:50
- Route: Chandigarh to Katra
- Via: Pathankot
- Departure Time: 13:25
- Route: Chandigarh to Katra
- Via: Pathankot
- Departure Time: 14:30
- Route: Chandigarh to Katra
- Via: Pathankot
Bus Fare from Chandigarh to Jammu
For those traveling from ISBT 43 Chandigarh to Jammu by the ordinary JKSRTC roadways bus, the estimated fare is typically between 400 to 500 INR.
What time does the JKSRTC bus depart from Chandigarh to Jammu?
The JKSRTC bus departs at 07:20, 16:20, and 22:00 from Chandigarh to Jammu.
What is the route of the CTU Ordinary bus departing at 15:40 from Chandigarh?
The route of the CTU Ordinary bus departing at 15:40 is from Chandigarh to Katra via Pathankot.
How many CTU AC buses depart from Chandigarh to Katra in the provided schedule?
There are four CTU AC buses departing from Chandigarh to Katra in the provided schedule, departing at 08:50, 12:50, 13:25, and 14:30.