Jind to Chandigarh Bus Time Table with Google Map Direction


 Check Out Jind to Chandigarh Bus Time Table with Google Map Direction . 

Total Distance : Jind to Chandigarh is 183KM

Jind to Chandigarh Bus Time Table with Google Map Direction

About Chandigarh

Chandigarh is a city and union territory in northern India, known for its well-planned architecture, clean streets, and green spaces. It is the capital of two states, Punjab and Haryana, and serves as a hub for education, culture, and business in the region.

Places to Visit

Rock Garden

  • Rock Garden is a unique sculpture garden created by artist Nek Chand, using recycled materials such as broken ceramics, glass, and industrial waste. It is a fascinating place to explore and appreciate creative art forms.

Sukhna Lake

  • Sukhna Lake is a man-made lake located in the heart of Chandigarh, popular for boating, picnicking, and leisurely walks. It is a serene spot to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the surroundings.

Le Corbusier Centre

  • Le Corbusier Centre is a museum dedicated to the renowned Swiss-French architect, Le Corbusier, who designed Chandigarh. It showcases his life, work, and contributions to modern architecture.

Rose Garden

  • Rose Garden is a beautiful garden with over 1,500 varieties of roses, making it one of the largest rose gardens in Asia. It is a must-visit for nature lovers and photographers.

Government Museum and Art Gallery

  • Government Museum and Art Gallery is a museum that houses an extensive collection of art, sculptures, and artifacts, representing the rich cultural heritage of the region. It is a great place to learn about the history and culture of Chandigarh and surrounding areas.

Jind to Chandigarh Bus Time Table 

Sr. No. Departure Time Route Via Bus Type
1 04.30 hrs Jind to Chandigarh Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City Haryana Roadways
2 05.20 hrs Jind to Chandigarh Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City Haryana Roadways
3 07.00 hrs Jind to Chandigarh Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City Haryana Roadways
4 07.50 hrs Jind to Chandigarh Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City Haryana Roadways
5 10.00 hrs Hansi to Chandigarh Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City Haryana Roadways
6 10.52 hrs Jind to Chandigarh Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City Haryana Roadways
7 12.40 hrs Jind to Chandigarh Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City CTU
8 13.20 hrs Bhiwani to Chandigarh Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City Haryana Roadways
9 14.20 hrs Jind to Chandigarh Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City Haryana Roadways
10 15.50 hrs Bhiwani to Chandigarh Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City Haryana Roadways
11 16.40 hrs Jind to Chandigarh Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City Haryana Roadways

Passengers are advised to confirm the latest timetable from bus stand enquiry before leaving. Note- 
Delhi Bus Depot Enquiry No. 011-27604203

To book online bus tickets- Click here

Jind to Chandigarh Google Map Direction 

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