Kheri Chopta to Chandigarh Bus Service: Schedule and Details


Here you can find all the current and upcoming information related to the bus timetable from Kheri Chopta to Chandigarh. This includes departure and arrival times, key stops, and return journey details. Whether you need to know about the bus schedule, specific stops along the route, or return timings, you’ll find all the essential information here to help you plan your trip effectively.

Kheri Chopta to Chandigarh Bus Service

Haryana State Transport has introduced a new direct bus service from Kheri Chopta to Chandigarh, enhancing travel options for residents of Uchana, Narwana, and surrounding areas. This service aims to provide a convenient travel experience with multiple stops along the route.

Timetable for Kheri Chopta to Chandigarh

The following schedule outlines the type of bus, departure times from Kheri Chopta, and corresponding stops en route to Chandigarh:

Type of BusDeparture TimingRoute Details
Haryana Roadways06:30 AMKheri Chopta to Chandigarh
Haryana Roadways07:00 AMUchana
Haryana Roadways07:25 AMNarwana
Haryana Roadways08:30 AMKaithal
Haryana Roadways10:00 AMAmbala City
Haryana Roadways11:40 AMChandigarh

Route Via: Uchana, Narwana, Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City, Zirakpur

Timetable for Chandigarh to Kheri Chopta

For passengers returning from Chandigarh to Kheri Chopta, the bus departs as follows:

Type of BusDeparture TimingRoute Details
Haryana Roadways12:25 PMChandigarh to Kheri Chopta
Haryana Roadways01:40 PMAmbala City
Haryana Roadways03:30 PMKaithal
Haryana Roadways04:30 PMNarwana
Haryana RoadwaysEveningKheri Chopta

Route Via: Ambala City, Kaithal, Narwana

Key Information

  • Distance: The total distance from Kheri Chopta to Chandigarh is approximately 301.2 KM.
  • Total Duration: The journey typically takes around 5 hours.

Additional Information

  • Private Bus Availability: There are no private buses available for this route.
  • Train Service: Yes, trains operate between Kheri Chopta and Chandigarh.
  • Volvo Bus: No Volvo buses are available for this route.

Contact Information: For any queries or to confirm the latest timetable, please contact the local bus stand.


We hope this article clarifies all your queries regarding the Kheri Chopta to Chandigarh bus service, including the schedule, types of buses, and route details. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is advisable to confirm the timetable with the bus stand before planning your journey.

Link TitleURLDescription
Google bus routes, schedules, and travel times.
Haryana Roadways Official site for Haryana Roadways schedules and information.
Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) site for Delhi bus services and schedules.
BusTimetable Websitebus-timetable.inYour platform for bus timetable management and information.

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