Narayangarh to Delhi Haryana Roadways : Here you can find all the current and upcoming information related to the bus timetable from Narayangarh to Delhi. This includes departure and arrival times, key stops, and return journey details. Whether you need to know about the bus schedule, specific stops along the route, or return timings, you’ll find all the essential information here to help you plan your trip effectively.
Bus Timetable Information
- Outbound Journey: Details on departure times from Narayangarh to Delhi, including key stops like Shahzadpur, Ambala Cantt, Karnal, and Panipat.
- Return Journey: Information on departure times from Delhi back to Narayangarh, covering stops at Panipat, Karnal, and Ambala Cantt.
Route Overview
The bus service runs from Narayangarh to Delhi and passes through:
- Shahzadpur
- Ambala Cantt
- Karnal
- Panipat
Narayangarh to Delhi Haryana Roadways
Outbound Journey: Narayangarh to Delhi
Stop | Time |
Narayangarh | 05:20 AM – Haryana Roadways |
Ambala | 06:20 AM – Haryana Roadways |
Panipat | 08:20 AM – Haryana Roadways |
Return Journey: Delhi to Narayangarh
Stop | Time |
Delhi | 11:20 AM – Haryana Roadways |
Panipat | 01:00 PM – Haryana Roadways |
Karnal | 02:40 PM – Haryana Roadways |
Ambala Cantt | 03:54 PM – Haryana Roadways |
How to Use This Timetable
- Departure Time: For Narayangarh, the bus departs at 05:20 AM.
- Arrival Time: For the return journey, the bus leaves Delhi at 11:20 AM and arrives back in Narayangarh by 03:54 PM.
Important Related Links
Link Title | URL | Description |
Google Maps | | Find bus routes, schedules, and travel times. |
Haryana Roadways Official Website | | Official site for Haryana Roadways schedules and information. |
Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) | | Official site for Delhi bus services and schedules. |
BusTimetable Website | | Your platform for bus timetable management and information. |
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