Sirsa to Chandigarh Haryana Roadways, CTU, PRTC Bus Timings


Sirsa to Chandigarh : The Distance from Sirsa to Chandigarh is 297 Km And Fare Charge is Not Defined .

In This article we will cover Sirsa to Chandigarh Haryana Roadways , CTU & PRTC Bus timings .

There are many Haryana Roadways Buses running from Sirsa to Chandigarh .

Haryana Roadways Information

Haryana Roadways InformationLinks
Haryana Roadways Enquiry NumberEnquiry Number
Haryana Roadways Ticket BookingE Booking
Haryana Roadways Bus PassesBus Passes
Haryana Roadways Email IDsEmail IDs
Haryana Roadways Fare StructureFare Structure
Haryana Roadways Free And Concessional TravellingTravelling
Sirsa to Chandigarh Haryana Roadways

Sirsa to Chandigarh Haryana Roadways bus timing

Departure TimeRoute and Via
02:20 amSirsa to Chandigarh, via Fatehabad, Bhuna, Surewala-Chowk, Narwana, Kaithal, Pehowa, Ambala City
05:05 amSirsa to Chandigarh, via Fatehabad, Kaithal, Ambala City
05:40 amSirsa to Chandigarh, via Fatehabad, Bhuna, Kaithal, Ambala City
06:50 am – 07:15 amSirsa to Chandigarh, via Fatehabad, Narwana, Kaithal, Ambala City
08:30 amSirsa to Chandigarh, via Fatehabad, Narwana, Kaithal, Ambala City
02:00 pmSirsa to Chandigarh, via Fatehabad, Kaithal, Ambala City
02:50 pmSirsa to Chandigarh, via Fatehabad, Bhuna, Narwana, Kalayat, Kaithal, Ambala City
03:40 pmSirsa to Chandigarh, via Fatehabad, Kaithal, Ambala City
07:30 pmSirsa to Chandigarh, via Fatehabad, Kaithal, Ambala City
  1. Early morning departures: 02:20 am.
  2. Afternoon service at 02:00 pm.
  3. Evening route at 07:30 pm.

CTU Bus Information

Official websiteOfficial website
Bus PassBus Pass
Act and RulesAct and Rules
Pay Rent OnlinePay Rent Online
Book Ticket OnlineBook Ticket Online

Sirsa to Chandigarh CTU (Chandigarh Transport Undertaking) Time Table

Sirsa to Chandigarh CTU (Chandigarh Transport Undertaking) Time Table:

Departure TimeRoute and Via
11:40 amSirsa to Chandigarh, via Fatehabad, Kaithal, Ambala City
  1. Mid-morning departure at 11:40 am.
  2. Convenient midday service.
  3. CTU offers late morning ride.
  4. Chandigarh route at 11:40 am.

Sirsa to Chandigarh PRTC (Punjab Roadways Transport Corporation) Time Table

Departure TimeRoute and Via
01:55 pmSirsa to Chandigarh, via Fatehabad, Kaithal, Ambala City
  1. Afternoon journey at 01:55 pm.
  2. PRTC’s single afternoon service.
  3. PRTC route to Chandigarh.
  4. 1:55 pm departure time.
Full Haryana Roadways Time Table PdfVisit Here
Haryana Roadways WebsiteVisit Here
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What are the morning departure times from Sirsa to Chandigarh with Haryana Roadways?

Morning departure times from Sirsa to Chandigarh with Haryana Roadways are 02:20 am, 05:05 am, and 05:40 am.

Are there any services from Sirsa to Chandigarh in the afternoon with Haryana Roadways?

Yes, there is an afternoon service at 02:00 pm.

When does the Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) bus depart from Sirsa to Chandigarh?

The Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) bus departs from Sirsa to Chandigarh at 11:40 am.

What is the departure time for PRTC buses from Sirsa to Chandigarh?

The departure time for PRTC buses from Sirsa to Chandigarh is 01:55 pm.

Can you provide the schedule for PRTC buses from Sirsa to Chandigarh?

The PRTC schedule for buses from Sirsa to Chandigarh includes the 01:55 pm departure.

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